Jeff is having a good time with his S2 "on ice" in Madison WI
It seems that there were many with the life size ice boats and no other models out on the ice, but I had a good time.
The ice had some spots that had thin ice of like 2 inches ice, then 2 inches water beneath, then the 18 inches beneath that, before down to lake water to the bottom. This mean that with the boots I was wearing I was not going to get my feet wet, the thin surface ice would become davits if more than the weight of the model S2 or maybe myself were upon those spots.
This meant many of the life size ice boater may have not run much or at all to protect there ice boats. The model S2 though could skim over without breaking though the sandwiched parts and further the top free of snow and very smooth, I had probably from noon til sunset there.